Become the leader you were born to be.
Wisely guide others with adept emotional support.
Offer your people profound transformation and healing.

We can show you how.

Next LIVE cohort is January 2025

A Self-Study version is available now.


Are you a natural born support person looking for the right modality to begin your mission?

Are you a holistic practitioner looking to expand your offerings to better serve your existing clients?

Are you a conscious parent in need of better tools to help your sensitive child?

  • Want to help yourself and others to develop Emotional Sovereignty?

  • Want to offer even more skillful emotional support to your people?

  • Want to help others heal the effects of their trauma?

  • Want to be certain that your supportive efforts are not undone by old patterns and habits?

  • Want to learn how to manage anxiety and depression, and teach others how to do so as well?

  • Want to deliver an experience for your clients that is beyond their deepest hopes and expectations?

Then this is the program for you.

You are showing up, sharing your expertise, and then sending your beloved clients back into the world with incredible concepts, tools, and regimens.

Your practice is dependent on your clients remembering your guidance, applying your guidance to their life, receiving their own fantastic results, and then telling other people how amazing your work is.

Yet, humans can’t receive, store, and apply any information when they are emotionally activated. And humans are emotionally activated most of the time. In order for your clients to fully absorb and apply the magic that you are sharing with them they have to be in the appropriate brain state.

Your practice goes no where if your clients don’t fully receive your support, remember it, and apply it to their lives. They might as well not have seen you at all. And they certainly aren’t going to recommend you because they aren’t getting the results they need.

That’s what this training is about. We will teach you to guide your clients into a receptive brain state so that your work, your guidance, your incredible support lands. You get to really help, and your people get their best possible results from working with you. Everybody wins!

Who Is This For?

NeuroEmotional Coach Training is designed for people that help others.

Many of our students are:

  • yoga teachers

  • acupuncturists

  • reiki practitioners

  • shamanic practitioners

  • massage therapists

  • bodyworkers

  • social workers

  • health coaches

  • birth coaches

  • herbalists

  • chiropractors

  • dietitians

  • fitness trainers

  • parents

  • teachers

  • student aids

  • counselors

  • psychologists

  • psychiatrists

  • and others that work with humans in a support capacity

Knowing how to work with a client’s neurochemical state can drastically increase your effectiveness. Clients will better remember and be able to apply your recommendations and utilize your expertise when they are functioning from the part of their brain that receives information, stores information, and applies information. If you work with other people, and want your work to work better for your people – NeuroEmotional Coach Training is for you.

This training can be done a la carte, or as part of our comprehensive certification.

Who Is A “Client”?

In NeuroEmotional Coaching, the word “client” applies to all the people with whom you interact and whom you choose to support.

Your clients may include your:

  • Employees

  • Clientele

  • Customers

  • Students

  • Spouse

  • Children

  • Family Members

  • Community Members

  • Neighbors

  • Strangers

If the person you support has a body, a nervous system, and a brain –
then this training applies to your relationship and work with them!

What’s It Like?

NeuroEmotional Coach Training will:

  • Show you how the neuro-emotional matrix functions, how to neurochemically help the human nervous system and brain feel better, and why and how the emotional support strategies we’ll teach you work for regulation, for comprehensive processing, and for deep healing.

  • Train you to use the NeuroEmotional Coaching modality with all the “clients” in your life — your family members, your partner, your colleagues, and your actual clientele.

  • Guide you to be with your clients in a way that drastically changes their lives without burning out your own.

As a student, you will:

  • Grasp how emotions work in the brain, nervous system, and body and what that means for your client’s life – including their finances, relationships, health, and so much more.

  • Find out how to work with emotions so that they don't build-up, blow up, make our clients sick, or make them do things they wish they hadn't.


  • Learn how to support the development of a strong safety foundation within oneself that is unshakeable even when things are really rough.


  • Understand how to improve emotional habits in a way that reprograms the brain – making your clients more capable, more resourceful, and more resilient in the face of future challenges.


  • Help your people make sense of all the awful, weird, uncomfortable happenings that occur in life, and know how to manage and overcome those kinds of happenings with personal integrity.


  • Support your clients to gently re-parent themselves, and dramatically heal the effects of their trauma.

Next live cohort begins January 2025

A Self-Study version is available now.


Your Guides


Natalie Christensen, CMNEC and Nathan M McTague, CMNEC

As founders of the Center for Emotional Education, we’ve spent the last sixteen years supporting thousands of students and hundreds of one-to-one clients with our transformative concepts and unique modality. We’ve also been cultivating and refining our signature system of trauma-informed and science-based support through our experience and relationships with our clients – watching, listening, and learning from what works. What we’ve created through that collaboration, standing on the shoulders of the giants before us, and over the course of thousands of hours of development and innovation is an incomparable way of working with clients (of any age and in any venue) to invite optimal neural functioning, optimal healing, and optimal growth.

Even though we taught numerous, popular online courses and workshops, for many years our work was focused on the individual. We were supporting each of our clients to experience a lot less anxiety, stress, depression, and disconnection, and instead have lives of ease, intimacy, and fulfillment, but our people wanted more.

After experiencing what was possible for them and seeing how this work so utterly changed their lives, our clients began asking how they could “learn to do what you do”? They wanted to bring this way of supporting others into their work, into their homes, into their parenting and partnerships, into all the important relationships of their lives. 

So many of our beloved clients just couldn’t believe they hadn’t learned about how emotion works in early childhood, or in school, or even in therapy. They felt such deep regret that they hadn’t known sooner how to get out of survival mode and actually enjoy living. And over and over they kept expressing such deep longing for everyone to receive this life-enhancing knowledge and to be able to work these powerful neuro-emotional tools for the betterment of their lives, and families, and communities.

We used our two decades of research, our extensive training, and fifteen years of one-to-one client experience to develop a curriculum that teaches others how to do what we do. Our graduates use this training to support, nurture, and inspire the important people in their lives at a level they didn’t even know was possible before coming to work with us. Together, our people and their people are using these tools, skills, and concepts to improve emotional intelligence and self-mastery, uplevel existing systems and cultures, and cultivate neuro-psychological health at a global scale. (We call this the Emotional Revolution…)

Each year we select the most eager, earnest, and qualified students to receive the NeuroEmotional Coach Training. We have developed an incredibly authentic, supportive, emotionally-safe, and dynamic community, and it just keeps getting better. We’d love to welcome you under our empathetic and highly-skilled wings, and train you to help yourself and your people soar.

In this program, we layer your training in the modality through audio and visual presentations, experiential exercises, and direct modeling via mini-coaching sessions with volunteers – so no matter how you learn, we’ve got you covered.

What Our Students Say

NeuroEmotional Coach Training is the course we should have all taken in high school. This information is the key to functional and constructive relationships with self and others. If humankind was learning this level of emotional intelligence, we would have a far more functional and peaceful world.
– Aubree
I could not have anticipated the profound impact this certification program has had on my life. Unparalleled support of my personal journey, while simultaneously preparing me for my career as a NeuroEmotional Coach. There’s nothing like it.
– Kate
Besides the already apparent benefits to my newly developing professional life, the tools and concepts I have learned from the NeuroEmotional Coaching course have strengthened my personal relationships by leaps and bounds.

I feel closer to my friends and more connected with my children and family members. It has felt like the most authentic and genuine way to improve my relationships with everyone I value.

And probably most important of all, it has led to such an incredible deepening of the relationship I have with myself. The care and compassion I have for myself has bloomed into something powerful and perpetual, that I am forever grateful for. I feel excited to see what will unfold next because I am prepared for it.
– Romy
Natalie and Nathan guided us with tenderness and truth into the depths of the three brain states — how to identify where clients are (little and big clients) and how to hold them with tenderness and grace. As I bring this work to my private and work world, I feel confident and grateful that I get to pass along this information to my co-parenting team and many others in my life. I find that this work complements my work as a Shamanic Healer, as I wanted to learn about holding space to witness pre-healing. I will carry this work with me for the rest of my life.
– Rachel
I am thrilled with the certification program. Natalie and Nathan are masterful teachers and coaches and it’s a transformative experience to study with them. I am learning so much and enjoying applying these teachings in my life and in my 1-1 work with clients.
This work changed my life in a profound way, it feels like clearing a dense fog on a lens I’ve been looking through since childhood and realizing that things are not as they seemed. The world becomes brighter and more meaningful.
– Nina

This course was invaluable, unique and fits perfectly with the plant intuition work I do with my clients. It has given me confidence to work in the way that I want to work and this has come from the support and dedication that Nathan and Natalie have given to the development of this work. I am immensely grateful for their commitment to this work and to their emotional intelligence and kindness that shines from them.

I am continuously learning from them and they offer knowledge which is hard to find elsewhere. My own healing practice has been transformed by this course and by the one to one coaching work I do with Natalie.
– Sarah

What You Get

NeuroEmotional Coach Training Program —
January thru June 2025


20 two-hour live group training calls with connection, laughter, learning, and healing.


Life-enhancing concepts that will change the way you see your clients and their process.


Easy, accessible, and efficient support strategies for different brain states.


Thorough unit outlines and rich slide decks for deep learning and future reference.


Safe, warm, support to integrate the learning and apply it to your practice.


Recordings of all presentations so that you can revisit them as often as you like.


A community of like-minded, forward-thinkers with which to share.


Coaching templates to use in session and catapult client healing and growth.

*All recordings, outlines, templates, and other program materials are kept in a class hub that students can access as often and as long as they like, in perpetuity. If we ever decide to remove it for any reason, we will give students ample notice to be able to download any wanted materials before we remove them.

**There is a special section of class in which we model NeuroEmotional Co-Processing with a volunteer from class. This mini-coaching piece is essential for getting the best grasp on the modality. But to preserve the emotional safety of the group and for the volunteer, we do not record this section of class. If you’re unable to attend the rest of class on any given day, we recommend you at least jump in for the unrecorded part at the beginning.

Got Questions?

Set up a complimentary 30-40 minute “Testing the Waters” chat to discuss particulars, concerns, payment plans, scholarships, etc..

Your Spot Awaits


The cost of NeuroEmotional Coach Training is just $6,000 US.

If you wanted to hire us for this much of our time and this much of our know-how outright, and based on our hourly rate (currently $225) you’d be starting negotiations at around $10,000 for just one of us.

But because we offer this as a group program, and as a structured course, we’re able to save you at least $5000.

And, unlike hiring us for our amazing 1:1 work, students in the NeuroEmotional Coach Training program also get both of us, for 2 hours of groundbreaking training and stellar coaching in each session, a recording of each impactful and revelatory call, and a community of like-minded and equally emotionally educated cohorts with whom to geek out on all things neuroemotional – in perpetuity! (And let me tell you – NeuroEmotional Coaches make for some seriously good community.)

So you get to keep the class materials (including recordings), the community you’ll share, and the skills you’ll learn from us for the rest of your life. Not a bad return on your $6,ooo investment, if we do say so ourselves…

We highly recommend that you treat yourself to the Plus package for this class.

For $6,500, in addition to all of the above, this comprehensive package also includes a complete outline for each session (our actual class notes!), and 5 individual coaching calls (with the certified coach of your choice) during the 5-month program. This is for those who really want to get this learning in their heart and bones.

Plus spots are limited, so if this speaks to you, we encourage you to go for it.

This training occurs once per year, don’t miss out on your chance to join the Emotional Revolution!

Next live cohort begins January 2025

A Self-Study version is available now.

Interested, but need a scholarship? Fill out our Scholarship Application here.

If you have questions, please email

Frequently Asked Questions!

  • Next class is January 24th - June 19th, 2024; Wednesdays at 10:30am - 12:30pm Pacific Time

  • Yes, class is held via Zoom.

  • Each live class is about 2 hours long. Plus there is a valuable Q&A section at the end of each class.

  • Yes. We offer generous payment plan options.

    Please click the Enroll Now button above. It will provide your payment options. If you need something different, please email us at and we will be happy to work with you.

    If needed, we also have scholarships available here.

  • One time per year each January.

  • We record all of class, except for one portion. The recordings are available for you to watch at your leisure, and you get to keep them forever!

    *There is a special section of class in which we model NeuroEmotional Co-Processing with a volunteer from class. This mini-coaching piece is essential for getting the best grasp on the modality. But to preserve the emotional safety of the group and for the volunteer, we do not record this section of class. If you’re unable to attend the rest of class on any given day, we recommend you at least jump in for the unrecorded part at the beginning.

  • At the end of this Self-Study course, you can assert that you are "trained in the NeuroEmotional Coaching modality". If you want to be able to claim the title of NeuroEmotional Coach, you must complete the Live version of this training. The Live version includes practice modules, live modeling of the modality, etc..

    At the end of this Live coach training course you will be fully equipped to coach others using the NeuroEmotional Modality. You can call yourself "a NeuroEmotional Coach" and hold sessions accordingly. Woohoo!

    If you would like to teach others this modality or the content that we created, then taking the extra step of continuing into and completing NeuroEmotional Certification (after NeuroEmotional Coach Training) is required.

    This work is nuanced and complicated. We believe that in order for it to be preserved, and thus most helpful to the greatest number of people, it is important to have the stronger and deeper understanding that develops over the longer course of Certification.